Cookies Information

What are cookies and how do you use this site?

This brochure explains in detail how this site uses cookies. If you visit our website and your browser settings accept cookies, the use of our cookies will be considered accepted.

How do cookies work?

Cookies are small files sent and stored in your computer from the websites you visit. Cookies are stored in your browser’s directory directory. The next time you visit the site, your browser will read the cookie and retransmit information to the website or entity that originally created the cookie. To learn more about these technologies and how they work, visit, for example, the site.

Why does this site use cookies?

This site uses cookies to provide you with a more functional experience. You can navigate without interruption, for example by remembering the selected language and country and preserving authentication to the restricted areas of the site. We also use them to trace the origin of visitors and associate their aggregate mode with their registration or their orders for statistical purposes. View your cookie management options in the next chapter.

How can I manage cookies?

You can look at the options available to handle cookies in your browser. The browser can be used to handle cookies related to basic functions and to improve the browsing experience on the site. Different browsers use different ways to disable cookies, but are usually found under the Tools or Options menu. You can also browse the Browser Help menu.

This site uses cookies managed by third parties for various purposes, such as profiling those who browse the site in order to propose personalized advertising, aggregated logging or not of site visit activities for statistical purposes, etc. . You may opt out of certain third-party managed cookies through third-party cookie management sites, where they are. If you delete your cookies from your browser, you may need to remember to reinstall cookies for which you opt-out. Here’s the list of sites or subjects that can handle cookies on your browser while browsing this site:

Facebook Inc
Google Analytics
Interference s.r.l.
Pinterest Copyright Agent
Twitter Inc

By disabling cookies, some parts of this website may not work properly.

How long do we keep the information in your cookies?

It depends on the types of cookies. Session cookies expire when you close your browser. Persistent cookies have very long expiration dates, which can extend up to a few years.

Versione 1.1 del 10/01/2022